The vision for the Über Luxus collection was designing and creating haircut shapes and colours that are superlative personality statements that seemingly integrate form and function. Exquisite placement and colour melds that belong to a category all of their own, the seamless integration of exotic patterns that we see today on material and colours that you would normally see in precious metals and gemstones applied with state-of-the-art techniques is the Hallmark of Flaunt Collection. The approach: a physical articulation of a concept, a series of thoughts, a critique, a point of view Working towards striking and distinctive shapes and unparalleled craftsmanship. Über Luxus Collection becomes imbued with the unique personality of their owners.

Hairdresser: Bill Tsiknaris
Colourist: Chris Tsiknaris & Anna Dahlin
Salon: Tsikaris Hair, Brisbane, Australia @tsiknarishair
Photographer: David Mannah
Make Up Artist: Pablo Morgade
Stylist: Josie McManus