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Style Inspiration: Project Afro from Fellowship for British Hairdressing

With the 75th anniversary of Windrush, we used as our inspiration for the collection. With some members of the project and team leader Jacqui herself being direct descendants from the Windrush generation, this was something we wanted to pay homage too.


The collection was made up of a combination of what we had learnt on the project but also memories of our own childhood.  We wanted to ensure that the collection was seen as a celebration. With this, there is a direct homage to the historical generations with the static and formal portraits that are included in books and historical references (and also the mantel piece of any Caribbean home). 

Art & Creative Direction: Jacqui Mcintosh

Mentors:  Pash Mitchell, Aycan Kemal and Anthony Grant.

Photographer: Chris Bulezuik

Hair:  Project Afro 2023

Videographer:  Bella Green

Make Up:  Elizabeth Rita 

Make Up Assistant:  Issy Wallis

Stylist:  Anna Latham


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