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My Salon Software: Managing and Motivating Staff

One of the most frequent questions I am asked is “how can I manage and motivate my staff?” 

Quite simply, you can’t. People, clients, staff, suppliers all act according to the way they feel about you and your business and the way they're treated.


One of the greatest challenges to our industry is changing staff  -  what is known as staff turnover.  This is particularly rife in the hair and beauty industry. Understandably clients don't like to see change and your business will have trouble growing if you are always changing staff.


One of the only management tools you will ever need is called ‘staff performance reviews’. Simply showing each staff member a profile of their work over various periods of time, 3 months, six months, once a year. If only once, then definitely in the first 3 months of each new year.


Your staff are your champions of your business (or should be) and, like champions, they need feedback about their performance (how well they are doing in relation to how much money they earn).

For this you will need KPI or 'key performance indicators'. This essential report shows exactly how each staff member's turnover is made up focusing particularly on :-


CLIENTS  -  How many referrals do they get; How many first-time- clients do they retain; Is their average-docket- value growing; Are they growing their business profile (upselling client to other products and services)?


ATTITUDE  -  Are they team-players?; How is their time-keeping?; Are they working to grow the total business or  are they only focused on themselves?


AMBITION  -  Are they pro-active and goal-oriented or just do what is expected of them?; Are they open to growth?

From this exercise you will find their strength and weakness, identify training needs and assist them is setting targets for themselves.


The whole relationship between employer and employee is about GROWTH. And the slower they grow, the quicker they go.

The name says it all as we continue to grow our Proudly South Africa software.

Contact us:

Email:  | Tel: 083 650 0952

Email:  | Tel: 083 484 2960

Email:  | Tel: 083 302 0785


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