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My Salon Software: Communication is Sharing and Sharing is Caring!

There are a lot of Dynamics (moving parts) in your business: booking clients, ordering stock, staff scheduling, booking staff leave and time off, all going on while you are conducting your normal business. AND “EVERYTHING” relies on communication.

Whether you are partners trying to agree on common strategy, or salon owners trying to manage and motivate staff, or service providers consulting with your clients you need to understand that “communication is the lubricant that keeps your business running smoothly”.

Alan Greenspan, American economist and Chairman of the US Federal Reserve Bank for almost 20 years was quoted as saying "I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure you realise that what you heard is not what I actually said".

Whether you can make sense of that or not, the underlying message is that you don't always understand exactly what you hear.

Verbal communication - as in the above example, make sure the person on the receiving end gets the same picture in their mind as you, the sender, have in yours.

Paint pictures with your words.

Listening - very often bad communicators are bad communicators because they don’t listen enough. Remember God gave you TWO ears and only ONE mouth.

Why do you think that is?

Non-verbal communication - Anything you tell someone needs to be believed which requires both trust and respect so body language is crucial. Always look people in the eye and ‘smile’. Your smile is the window to your heart, and your eyes, the window to your soul.

Collective knowledge - each of us knows some things but nobody knows everything. Collectively, we know EVERYTHING.

Contact us:

Email:  | Tel: 083 650 0952

Email:  | Tel: 083 484 2960


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