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Important Bargaining Council Updates – Phones, Fees, Exemptions & Essential Notifications

Johannesburg Office Interim Telephone Number

Our Johannesburg office has a temporary telephone number, pending the porting of our previous numbers to the new telephony system. The interim number is 010 824 4403.

Once our telephone numbers have been ported to the new system, we will advise accordingly.

UASA Membership Fees Adjustment

The Council has received notice of an adjustment to the UASA membership fees, which will be effective from February 2023. The membership fees for Active members will increase from R140.00 per month to R148.00 per month, and the fees for Golden Year members will increase from R115.00 to R121.00 per month. UASA membership fees 2023.


Exemption Applications

Exemptions for the 2023 calendar year will be heard on 24 February 2023. If an application is not received in time for that hearing, pension invoices will be raised as from March 2023. The Exemption application form can be accessed on our website HERE or you may email a request to

Please kindly ensure that your application reaches us as soon as possible and before 24 February 2023.


As previously advised, the EOHCB Fees will increase with effect from January 2023. See the Council’s website or click HERE.

Reference on Payments

Please remember to include your SAL Number as a reference when making payments to the Council. We are unable to allocate payments to your accounts unless we know which establishments they are to be applied to. If you forget to do so, please kindly email us the proof of payment and SAL number to

Annexures A & B & Staff Amendment Forms

All employers or legal owners are obliged to ensure that an establishment is registered with the Council.

In terms of the Main Collective Agreement, all legal owners or employers of an establishment must apply to the Council in the form specified in Annexure “A” for registration of the establishment and shall, as part of the registration process, also submit a duly completed Annexure “B” in respect of all Employees employed at the establishment. (Annexures A and B may be downloaded from the Council’s website Or you can click on the links : Annexure A (Annexure A) and Annexure B (Annexure B) Alternatively, kindly contact your agent or council office).

The employer must notify the Council of the appointment of an employee (including a learner or a student) by submitting a completed Annexure “B” before the 7th of the month following the appointment.

These documents can be submitted to:

In the event of an employee (including a learner or a student) leaving the services of the employer for whatsoever reason, the employer must notify the Council of such termination in writing. The notice must include the employee’s full names, surname, identity number, position held and last working day and be submitted to before the 7th of the month following the termination of employment.

The Staff Amendment Form (Staff Amendment Form ( may be used to notify the Council of changes.

Please contact your agent or the Council offices should you need assistance!

Please consult the Council’s WEBSITE for the contact details of Agents in your area.

For more information, contact:


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