Royal Hairstyles invites all City & Guilds Trade Test Graduates to apply for a bursary to take their SSETA/QCTO trade test.
Royal Hairstyles only has 40 bursaries available for this project.
Interested applicants should apply by Saturday, March 15 at 5pm. To apply, please email your cv & City & Guilds Trade Test Certificate to info@royalhairstyles.com.
We will enroll qualified applicants on a first come, first served basis.
In addition to the trade test bursary, applicants will be eligible for the following:
- Free hairdressing kit
- Free assistance with raising grant capital (up to R10,000)
- Product & Equipment discounts up to 25% of Retail Price
Email your cv & City & Guilds Trade Test Certificate to info@royalhairstyles.com