In June 2023, EOHCB and UASA entered into a collective agreement for the period 1 June 2023 to 31 December 2025. Establishments are reminded of the following provisions which apply in 2024 as per the collective agreement:
• 2024 Wage Increases (applicable nationally - Areas A, B, C, & D)
1 January 2024 – 31 December 2024 – 6%.
The updated salary/wage schedules will be uploaded to the Council website in December.
• PSC percentage applicable to Areas A and D
The PSC percentage applicable to Areas A and D, for the purpose of calculating leave pay, notice pay, and severance pay, will be increased to 22% with effect from 1 January 2024.
• Council Fees (Area B - Division 112)
The Council Fees for Employers in Division 112 (pre-November 2017 salons) will be 90% of 1.3% for the period 1 January 2024 – 31 December 2024.
The collective agreement is expected to be published within the next week and will be posted on the Council website as soon as it is published.
In celebration of its 10th anniversary, the HBSI Fund is running a competition for Fund members. Please see attached HBSI competition (hcsbc.co.za) for distribution to employees who are members of the HBSI Fund.
Exemptions apply for a calendar year. Establishments wishing to seek exemption from membership of the HBSI for 2024 must do so within the four-month period from September to December. If you have not yet submitted your application for exemption for 2024, please do so as soon as possible. If exemption is not applied for or granted within the specified period, an establishment will be required to make contributions to the HBSI Fund for the 2024 calendar year.
Exemption hearings are scheduled for 24 November 2023 and 8 December 2023. The Exemption Application Form is available to download from the website (Annexure D) at www.hcsbc.co.za/downloads or you may request an application form via email from exemption@hcsbc.co.za.
On 3 October 2023, the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, launched the Hairdressing Occupational Certificate as a fully funded programme at TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) colleges.
In his address, he pointed out that the hairdressing industry was estimated to contribute over R24.8 billion to the South African economy. As such, it was viewed as an industry that could create jobs and business opportunities for the youth including those in rural areas and townships.
Commencing in the 2024 TVET academic year, students may enrol for the Occupational Certificate: Hairdressing at accredited Skills Development Providers (TVET Colleges) throughout South Africa.
The Qualification is a 3-year programme which integrates theory, practical and workplace components.
TVET colleges are to collaborate with accredited employers who have obtained approval through the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO), to provide learners with the necessary workplace practical experience (a minimum of two days per week at approved workplaces), before they undertake a trade test (EISA – External Integrated Summative Assessment) and qualify as hairdressers.
The funding will be provided through the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) and learners are encouraged to contact accredited Skills Development Providers to enquire about enrolment and application for funding. Learners will also be provided with the necessary equipment for the completion of their qualification.
Once they qualify as hairdressers, the basic equipment to commence their employment journey or to start their own businesses within the industry will also be provided. The programme curriculum is also aimed towards promoting and developing entrepreneurship.
Accredited TVET colleges will receive funds to renew equipment in their training salons. This is to ensure that the salons at the colleges are continuously maintained and fully functional at all times whilst learners are undergoing practical training. TVET colleges will also offer the six (6) Skills Programmes which emanate from the Hairdressing Occupational Qualification – Barber, Chemical Hair Reformation Attendant, Hair and Scalp Treatment Attendant, Hair Colouring Attendant, Hair Cutting Attendant, and Hairstylist.
The QCTO has accredited 17 colleges at 19 sites, in all 9 provinces, to offer this qualification from January 2024. There are a further 32 colleges that have begun the process to get their accreditation and are planning to offer the qualification from January 2025.
Please take note that the Council Offices will be closed for the December festive season from Friday 22 December 2023 until Tuesday, 2 January 2024.
The Council’s website has recently been “under construction” due to the loss of data which resulted from a migration from one host server to another. The most recent changes to the website were lost, but the documents are being updated and the updating will be finalised on Sunday, 19 November 2023. There is currently a note on the landing page indicating that the site is ‘’under construction’’ Once the documents have been updated the note will be removed, thus indicating that the update is complete.
Please consult the Council’s WEBSITE for the contact details of Agents in your area.
For more information, contact: www.hcsbc.co.za