Know your industry and keep informed with the Council’s assistance.
The Bargaining Council provides a forum of mutual respect and understanding in which discussions and negotiations can take place, and collective agreements can be formulated, between the representative bodies of UASA THE UNION (representing employees) and the EOHCB (Employers’ Organisation for Hairdressing, Cosmetology and Beauty), representing employers.
Please kindly use your Salon Number (SAL number) as a reference when making payments to the Council. The Council continues to receive payments with references that require tracing and/or which we are unable to trace.
There are also still many establishments on our system where postage is selected as the preferred means of communication and for receipt of Returns. We would like to urge all establishments to opt for email correspondence, where possible, and to review and update us on any change of contact details.
The Exemption Application Form for 2022 can be downloaded from our website
www.hcsbc.co.za/downloads/ Annexure D under “Annexures” or click on the link:
Please Note:
• Exemption is granted per employee and not on establishment level. When a new employee starts, the establishment must apply for exemption for that specific employee.
• Exemptions are granted per calendar year, or part thereof, as may be determined by the Exemption Committee, and application for exemption must be submitted each year.
The Council regularly receives communications in various forms from establishments concerning the employment of new staff members.
Establishments are reminded that when employing new staff, Annexure B - Employee Registration Form – must be completed and submitted to the Council.
The Employee Registration Form can be accessed via our website
www.hcsbc.co.za/downloads/ Annexure B under “Annexures” or click on the link:
You may also obtain the Forms from your designated Agent.
Any staff amendments must reach the Council before the 10th of each month. Documents can be submitted to accounts@hcsbc.co.za or amend@hcsbc.co.za. Any changes after that date will only be effected the following month.
If you need more help, please don’t hesitate to contact your local area agent
For more information, contact: www.hcsbc.co.za