Weekly Motivator - 6 February 2023
Failure's are just stepping stones to the next success, if you persevere through them.

Working Onboard Ship with London Wellness Academy: Part 2 – Benefits of the Cruise Ship Adventure
Embarking on the adventure of a cruise ship contract will change your life, allow you to see the world while earning tax-free dollars,...

The Blade Guy is Open, Sharpening the Garden Route - Keep your Scissors & Clipper Blades in Shape
Tired of having to ship your scissors and clipper blades out to Joburg or CT for sharpening and waiting for ages? Garden Route salons and...

Local Inspiration: Nu Coupe Sauvage Collection from Excentric on Point
Nu Coupe Sauvage The '70s was about the woman wearing the clothes and not the other way around. We like to think it’s the same when it...

Weekly Motivator - 30 January 2023
Inspirational words to kick off your week.

Important Bargaining Council Updates – Phones, Fees, Exemptions & Essential Notifications
Johannesburg Office Interim Telephone Number Our Johannesburg office has a temporary telephone number, pending the porting of our...

Stylists, Celebrities and Cream Cheese - Free Webinar
Imagine the scene. Your salon is set to receive a celebrity client in about one hour. The salon owner has pulled some strings and worked...

Style Inspiration: Vertigo by Cos Sakkas, UK
Vertigo imbodies a woman who is courageous, fearless and strong. Reflected in the hair through bold graphic lines and shapes, she stands...

Weekly Motivator - 23 January 2023
Through all the ups and downs that business and life hand to us, we have to persevere.

Working Onboard Ship with London Wellness Academy: Part 1 – Benefits of the Cruise Ship Adventure
With cruise ships sailing freely again, and the training courses for onboard hairstylists easily available in South Africa, you too could...