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Minister Confirms on eNCA that Salon Opening is Imminent

More positive news for the industry! In an interview on Sunday 14 June on eNCA, Small Business and Development Minister Khumbudzo Ntshavheni confirmed again that all protocols are in place for salons in all sectors of the beauty industry to reopen.

The minister explained that the delay in publishing the safety protocols, which Government had announced would be done on Friday 5, June was caused by specific health concerns regarding the tattoo industry which forms part of this sector. Additional safety protocols will need to be put in place for this sector and these still have to be approved by the Medical Advisory Council. All other protocols are ready to be announced, both for the rest of the beauty sector (including hair salons) and also for restaurants to reopen, in what government is calling "advanced Level 3".

The Minister indicated that the protocols would be approved by latest Wednesday 17 June. This is positive news for salons - if Government adheres to the Wednesday deadline, we could see salons being ready to open just a few days later.

Karl Markwald of ESP and the Collective Corporation is predicting that if government keeps to their deadlines, a realistic scenario for opening may be Monday 22nd June.

"Get your staff prepared and on standby ASAP. Notify your clients that opening is immenent and get your waiting list filled. Make sure your prevention of infection protocols are in place. Prepare as if you are going to battle. You cannot afford to make any mistakes. This is the lifeline we have been waiting for. Hope is renewed."

Hairnews will follow with more updates asap.

Once again, we would like to thank the EOHCB, Bargaining Council and UASA the Union for the endless hours that they have spent engaging with government to finalise these protocols in enough detail to satisfy the Medical Advisory Council that reopening can be done safely, and also to have prepared further with a contingency plan to enforce the reopening in court if necessary.

We thank everyone who has taken the time to write and plead to Government for the speediest possible reopening, and to all those individuals who have remained positive and supportive of the efforts made by our industry organisations during this very challenging time.

Hairnews will keep the industry updated asap and will publish the safety protocols as soon as they are announced.

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