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Business Tips for Hair & Beauty Entrepreneurs Part 3

The famous international business publication, Forbes, asked leading entrepreneurs to give their tips for success. These are applicable to all industries but especially hair and beauty. Here are tips 5 and 6 in the final part of this series.

Tip 5: Focus on what makes You Thrive

If you are going to forge ahead with passion, it has to be in a direction you love, and that excites you. This is essential for entrepreneurs in particular, because as an entrepreneur, you do not have “just a job”, but the responsibility of growing your business, exploring new directions, motivating and inspiring your staff, and being a leader.

Tip 6: Never Forget the Bigger Picture

While the day to day challenges of running a business, it can be easy to lose focus and take your mind away from where you are heading long term. You need to set time aside regularly to look at the long term picture – is your business sustainable, is it growing, are you developing your staff, do you have a marketing campaign in place for the next few months, are you engaging with your local community and building your name? Focusing on these now, will bring rewards in the future.

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